
2020 official results



Never Stop Run is running even meant for everyone that is being held on the 13th of June, 2020. You can take part from anywhere in the world you want. You can join by walking, running or any other form that suits you best. In case you want to take part in the race (Official distances 5km/10km/21km/marathon), you need to record your results with a GPS based application and share the results with us.

What is your desired distance? Who would you challenge in the #neverstop2020 challenge? The winner will win fame and glory, along with some small prizes. 

What is the official
race distance?

5km | 10km | 21km | 42km

You can also run or walk any distance you want and be apart of something greater, that is #neverstop2020!

How to upload your results?

Never Stop Run instructions for the participants. 

Never Stop Run is an event where the main objective is to feel good about yourself. An event where you can either race against others or walk as you please. 

There are four official race distances: 5km, 10km, 21km and 42km. There are separate women’s and men’s series.

You need to measure your distance with either a phone based gps app (for example Sports Tracker) or a sports watch. Be sure to stop your time when you’ve reached your desired distance! If you forget to stop your watch, we will unfortunately have to register the time when the watch was stopped. 

You must complete your run and register your results on the 13th of June between 6am and 6pm GMT +3. Results submitted after 6pm will unfortunately not be registered or accepted.

Once you’ve finished your leg, please inform us your time at the top of the page.

With the form you will inform your distance, time and contact information, AS WELL AS:

– A screenshot of your result (as proof) = The picture should show the date, the distance ran and the time.

– Your order number (the number that you received in your receipt (Tilaus #). The receipt has been sent to you by Järvenpään Seudun Nuorkauppamakari and the header of the receipt is “Uusi Tilaus: #123”, where the number is your order number.

How to participate:

  1. Pay for your participation and remember to hold onto your receipt.
  2. Download a GPS based app, if you don’t have one already.
  3. Test your application before hand, so that everything runs smoothly when you’re doing your run.
  4. Charge your phone before your run.
  5. Ready to go!
  6. Remember to stop your app when you’ve reached your desired distance.
  7. Take a screenshot of your results.
  8. Go to the top of the page and fill in your information in the registration form.
  9. Your results and position will be informed on our website during the same day. Whether you don’t want us to publish your name, then your results will be published only with your order number.
If you have any problems, you can contact us at

aiding local organisations

Join the community

#neverstop2020 @neverstoprun2020

Never Stop Run is organised by JCI Järvenpää. Our main sponsor is the city of Järvenpää. Our company sponsors include Reactored, Tokmanni and Intersport Järvenpää. Our important partnering associations include Jääurheiluseura Haukat, Järvenpään Latu and Keski-Uudenmaan track and field. By taking part, you’ll be helping these local associations. 
The registration fee is 8€, which allows you to take part in the race and you’ll be given a sporty discount coupon. 
We will be giving out rewards in all categories. Also, we’ll be giving out 4 surprise prizes for people who’ve tagged us on social media. We’ll be taking all #neverstop2020 and @neverstoprun2020 from Facebook and Instagram and finding the lucky 4 between the 30th of May and 13th of June. 

We’ll be buzzing at the Järvenpää rantapuisto Never Stop tent, where you can get your small beverages before or after your run.
This event will not be cancelled, so join us and the community! 

Making it all possible

Järvenpään Kaupunki

What's on your mind?
